Post PhD work

I was employed as a research assistant on a casual basis for 4 months at Monash University while waiting for my thesis reviews to come back. During this time I worked on a laser localisation system using a 3D map collected from the Riegl scanner. We were able to localise in real-time with an accuracy of about 14cm and 1 degree using simple brute force scan matching. As an added bonus, we were able to see the predicted view in the 3D world as we drove, which could pave the way for some augmented reality applications.

Below is a clip showing a 3D walkthrough of Pomonal, where we did the experiments

You can download a PDF of the power point presentation describing what I did here



Here are some screenshots of localisation results

The green path shows laser localisation results for tests done at Monash University.
A google map image of the test site at Monash University. This site was chosen because it represented a bush like environment.
The 3D map of the test site at Monash University.
Pomonal localisation results #1
Pomonal localisation results #2
An aerial shot of Pomonal.
3D map aerial shot of Pomonal.
4WD with a Velodyne mounted on top.
An example of a Velodyne scan with false colouring.

4 thoughts on “Post PhD work”

  1. Dude, your site is boring!! nothing here is innovative or new. You just hash from someone else work and re-do and re-publish, but without details.

    Yawwwnnnnn – give it up – this stuff is amateurish from a PhD !!

  2. You have a very cool blog even though not quite everything is innovative here. However, for those interested in learning more, it contains good notes. Thanks

  3. Hey guys,
    Do you know what it means to be a post doc.? You have already presented your Dissertation and are waiting for a reply. I don’t know why they are doing it that way. After I gave mine, they made me stand outside of the conference room door and made me sweat. After which they came out and congratulated me as Dr.

    Most of the time you are building on someone else’s work. Something that was not part of the original that is yours and yours alone. That includes when you do your dissertation. So I do not find it surprising that he is building on something that is already done.

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