These are some pics of a pan tilt unit I made for my camera to make taking 360 panoramic images easier. The user presses one button and the whole unit will automatically rotate and take pics for me, while I sit back and relax and hope the wires don’t get tangle up. The pan tilt unit is powered by an Atmel Atmega8 micro-controller. The motors used are Hitec HS-785HB Sail Winch Servo. The PVC parts were cut from my CNC machine. The controller box allows the user to have manual control over the panning/tilting as well as camera focusing and capturing. A 12V battery is included in the controller box and should provide a couple of hours of operation.
Here’s a video of it in action:

I would like to request a script/little software(I pay for it) that can work inside Magix Vegas Pro 15/17 that can auto-detect shaky parts of a video and place markers at these places, it would be great if someone could to this and tell me a price, if this is not possible I have another way to make this work and I explained it better in a 1 minute video: